Wednesday, October 31, 2007

October CD Release

Do you want your shirt back?

Muahahaha. October's CD (Do You Want Your Shirt Back?) was released on two thousand and seven's Halloween and showed very little acknowledgment to the holiday. While this month's compilation lacked less attention than all other mixes it still triumphs with a more subtle approach. The CD is filled with songs that play easily while on a long drive and then find themselves playing in one's head rather than the songs that had popped out and demanded devotion upon the first listen that was seen on September's mix such as Acceptable In the 80s by Calvin Harris or Merry Happy by Kate Nash. The CD features a couple tracks from Radiohead's newest album, In Rainbows, and the head bopping single from Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip, The Beat That My Heart Skipped.

The tracks list as follows:

1. Knots - Pete & the Pirates
One of the best tracks of the month and rightfully begins the album

2. General Lafayette! You Are Not Alone - Ravens & Chimes
A strong track at first but after a few repetitions may loose its charm

3. Pop Music Is Not A Crime - Freezepop
Possibly the most talentless song on the album but the message is too good to ignore... thusly it is not.

4. Bouncing Off Clouds - Tori Amos
Tori Amos's recent album deserved attention long ago in August when the album was released yet for some reason none of the tracks were listened to till this month and her achievement is finally here recognized.

5. Those Dancing Days - Those Dancing Days
A funky little girl band that deserves credit just for being a funky girl band that can make your feet tap.

6. The Way I Am - Ingrid Michaelson
Practically every CD compilation thus far has somehow included a track that has been featured on a commercial and this track is solely included to continue this pattern.

7. The Beat That My Heart Skips - Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip
The best head bobbing, arm waving, heart pumping track.

8. Valerie (Featuring Amy Winehouse) - Mark Ronson
Not a very strong track yet holds importance for some reason that can't quite be explained just yet.

9. Bodysnatchers - Radiohead
The first Radiohead track to appear on the mix and definitely not the strongest.

10. White Shade - Lukestar
For its emo nature it surpasses by its sophisticated formulaic superbness.

11. The General Specific - Band of Horses

12. Hitten - Those Dancing Days
A funky girl band that is not just a funky girl band but a band with at least two successful tracks.

13. Hold It In - Jukebox the Ghost
Great track that also would have been good following "Knots" by Pete & the Pirates

14. Die Alone - Ingrid Michaelson
The message is great, her voice is beautiful and the music just makes it all so nice.

15. January - Ravens & Chimes
It's not quite January but there is only two more CDs to go before ChipperDemon celebrates its half year compilation event to be held at the end of December.

16. The Funeral - Band of Horses
Band of Horses came out with their album, Cease to Begin, this month featuring a few solid tracks, The Funeral being one of them.

17. All I Need - Radio Head
Was originally intended to be a bonus track yet just fit as a regular one. It is definitely good enough.

The November CD will release November 28th.

Compilation Director: Jubilant Pillager
Cover Art: Smiling Satanist

Special thanks to The Huska Plantation Enterprises, OrangeCoat, Blond Ambition 2007 and Afloat for all of their support and contribution.

October 2007
I Have Taste In Music Ballot

Knots - Pete and the Pirates = 1 vote
Bouncing Off Clouds - Tori Amos = 1 vote
The Beat My Heart Skipped - Dan le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip = 2 votes
The Funeral - Band of Horses = 1 vote
All I Need - Radiohead = 1 vote

ChipperDemon is a product of MadLord Innovations