Saturday, October 25, 2008

Crooked Teeth - Oliver Thiessen (Lyrics)

Below are the lyrics to "Crooked Teeth" by Oliver Thiessen
*These lyrics were transcribed and hold no guarantee for accuracy

Your teeth are crooked from all the lies you ate
From all those words you (unknown lyric) hate
You thought it was love but you were wrong
You thought it was love but you were wrong

Could I comfort you with some kind words
Or maybe a good ear you would prefer
You could tell me your whole story
Or we could just stay up all night watching the sun set and the sun rise

We come in and go out all the same
But it’s those days in between that get in the way
Holding us back from being ourselves
Letting life put us on the shelf

But you were always meant to shine
Not like the sun or the moon at night
But like the galaxies far away
Like the golden fields on a clear summer’s day

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
And I think you’ll get more beautiful as you get older
More confident and whole
Not like a bottle of wine
All screwed up and left in the cellar to rot and hide away

So go and get your teeth straightened out
'Cause these haters and liars know nothing about you
Not like I do
Not like I do

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